Saturday, November 30, 2013

Who Wants Utopia?

"You need to stop thinking you can create a utopian society." "You live in a utopian fantasy world." "The utopia you want will never exist; get with reality." As a libertarian, (people familiar with me know I prefer to call myself an anarcho-capitalist or Rothbardian, but we'll use libertarian), I hear those phrases all the time. Apparently, a society where others leave each other alone; defend themselves from aggression; act voluntarily; and believe stealing, bodily harm, and fraud are wrong, is a perfection that is ridiculously impossible. Yet, I've never claimed such a society to be utopian. I realize people will still do dumb and hurtful things. When you get right down to it, you can see who is trying to create the perfect society.

Liberals, progressives, Democrats, whatever you want to call them, are the ones who claim if we just pass enough laws, violence, poverty, disease, destruction from natural disasters, racism, and urban decay will cease to exist. Human action? Free thinking individuals? We can totally plan and control that.

Conservative, right-wingers, Republicans, whatever you want to call them, are the ones who claim if we just pass enough laws, drugs, sin, immoral behavior, porn, premarital sex, and abortions will evaporate while religion and businesses will forever boom. Human action? Free thinking individuals? We can totally plan and control that.

Right and left claim if we just fight every nation on earth, peace and national security will forever flourish. Customs we don't understand? Religions we don't know of? Who cares? Other countries thinking we need to stay out of their affairs? Why? Blowback? No such thing exists.

No, I don't claim I can create a utopian society. Unlike the left, right, and center, I don't claim to predict, control, or plan free thinking individuals. No, I just want to be left to do as I please, without harming another soul, but defend myself if somebody attempts to harm me. I thought that was freedom?


  1. Just would like to let you know, Facebook thinks your site is malicious. Excellent article, though; I'm glad I had the good sense to click through...

    1. Yea, when we post links on other pages it makes us fill in a captcha after about 10 posts is quite annoying.

    2. Facebook works for the government, they don't like your free thinking.
